
How to Get A Higher Bowling Score

In bowling, a perfect game (in 10 pin at least) is 300 points – strikes in each of the first nine frames, and three in the tenth. If you’re bowling way below that, you may feel like you have a lot of practice before you see a higher bowling score.

Close up of bowling pins at an alley in Hillsborough


In fact, do you know the youngest player ever to make this score? In 2013, Hannah Diem bowled a perfect game when she was just 9 years old. Guess where she bowls now? Right here at Pin Chasers! She’s now the 2016 Jr. Gold 12-U National Champion, too.

Just because you’re probably way past 9 years old, doesn’t mean you should give up. With these tips in hand, get a higher bowling score, bowl like the pros, and get more bowling strikes! Your bowling buddies will be wondering where your new found skills came from.

Start with the right ball.

Don’t go for a heavier ball just because you can lift it. Experiment with different sizes and see which one works the best for you. Heavier balls can actually cause pins to fly up into the air, while lighter balls will push pins over to hit each other. Most pros go with a 15lb ball when they play.

Watch your posture.

Bowling isn’t just about throwing a ball as hard as you can, however you can. You have to make sure your posture is right, too. Go for what feels comfortable and works for you, but you can’t go wrong with these tips on how to bowl a perfect strike.

Aim for the pocket.

The pocket is the space between the 1 and 3 pin (if you’re right handed) or the 1 and 2 pin (if you’re left handed). This “pocket” is the place to aim if you want to get strike after strike. By hitting this area, you’re almost guaranteed to send the ball straight through to hit all pins down.

Learn to throw a hook.

Ever notice that professional bowlers bowl a lot different than you do? They’ve mastered the art of the hook. The hook is a bowling technique that curves the ball down the lane, instead of coming into the pins straight. It makes it easier to bowl strikes, but it’s hard to learn. Here’s what has to say about learning to throw a great hook.

You just have to practice.

They say practice makes perfect, and that’s just as true in bowling as anything else. The more you play, the more you’ll discover tricks to improve your game, and the better your aim will be. Maybe you’ll even master the coveted hook throw!

With buy one, get one games of bowling all month at Pin Chasers, there’s never been a better time to practice! Plus, we have events for pros and newbies alike. You can play in a fun tournament, join our learn to bowl league, or improve your score during our bowling tips night.