Birthday Party Gift Ideas For Six-Year-Old Girls
Shopping for birthday party gifts can always be a challenge. When you get an invite for a kids birthday party, it doesn’t come with a “wish list of gifts”, so unless someone tells you a specific gift they need or want, everything is left up to you. Need gift ideas for six-year-old girls? We’ve got you covered.
Getting started with gift ideas for six-year-old-girls
You head to the store in hopes of finding that perfect birthday party gift, only to be met with five aisles of toys filled to the max with possibilities. You’ll ask yourself a ton of questions:
“Is this too young for her?”
“Does she already have this?”
“Will she like it?!”
“Will her mom totally hate me for buying this?”
Skip the gift card and try one of these great birthday party gifts
It gets overwhelming, ultimately sending us to the gift card stand! Unless the gift card is to Amazon, that just puts more errands and to-dos on the parent’s plate. When my daughter was turning six, I told friends and families she liked anything. Literally anything that had a commercial on the TV looked awesome to her. I now understand that not everyone watches Disney channel and doesn’t even know what I’m talking about when I say that.
I’ve put together a list of 11 birthday party gift ideas that will excite any six-year-old girl on your list.
Light-Up Tracing Pad
Girls loves anything that they can create on their own. This creative set will inspire imagination.
Butterfly Pajama Set
Cute and comfortable for girls who don’t let a little sleep put a damper on their fashion.
LOL Surprise Doll Set
It’s always a safe bet to go with the trendy toys! LOL Surprise dolls were all the rage this past Christmas season, and they keep coming out with new “seasons” to keep the girl’s collections new and exciting.
MasterChef Junior Breakfast Cooking Set
The perfect first set of cooking utensils for the girls who love to help in the kitchen. It comes with fun, kid-friendly recipes too. The MasterChef collection has 4 other beginner cooking sets for all kinds of good and fun.
Water Garden Self-Cleaning Fish Tank
You might want to check with the parent’s first before buying a fish tank, but don’t forget to mention the key-word, SELF-CLEANING.
Quilted Cat Initial Bag
This adorable crossbody bag would be a great gift for girls of all ages!
Ultimate Hair Accessories Kit
For the girl who loves to play hair salon with her own creative hair accessories.
American Girl Doll/Accessories
This is about the age my daughter first mentioned American Girl dolls. American Girl offers tons of accessories and gift ideas on their website. There are other inexpensive brands (Our Generation from Target) that the accessories still go perfectly with American Girl dolls.
Little Passports Subscription Box
Little passports is one of my favorite subscription boxes. You can shop the different boxes by age or theme (world, USA, science, etc) starting at $12.95.
Fancy Nancy Tooth Fairy Book Set
This is the age (or right before/after) that kids start losing their teeth. This gift set is perfect because it includes a book (yay reading!), a Tooth Fairy tooth keeper, and a door hanger to give us parents a little extra reminder for those days!
Musical Ballerina Jewelry Box
Your girl will swoon over this musical ballerina box where she can keep her jewelry and trinkets safe.