The beginning of summer is always so exciting. Many parents have made a Pinterest-worthy bucket list of things that they want to accomplish with their kids over the summer. June arrives, and the warm weather coupled with nostalgic trips to the beach fill our days. However, we know that there will be a point, hopefully not in the first week, where a child will turn to you and say, “Mom, I’m Bored!”.

We all know that this infamous phrase will most likely cross the lips of our children at some point or another this summer. Sometimes the promise of summer falls flat, and we need a backup plan when the days are long and hot, and patience is running thin. Keep this list of the 5 ways to beat summer boredom handy to help curb those long days of summer.

Create a Backyard Drive-In

popcorn for movies

Enjoy a showing of your favorite animated movie by creating an outdoor theater in the backyard. Hang up a white sheet and find a projector to use to display the film. Set out blankets, make some popcorn, and even hang some outdoor string lights for added effect. Get the kids involved by making “cars” out of cardboard boxes that they can paint and decorate all week long leading up to the movie. If you’re feeling really inspired, consider spray painting parking spots for the kid’s cardboard cars on the lawn to help pull it all together and keep kiddos from fighting.

Take Some Friends Bowling

Friends bowling at Pin Chasers

Bowling is one activity that every kid can enjoy. From toddlers who barely push the ball down the lane to teenagers who are actually quite good and all the ages in between. Taking the family bowling on a hot afternoon is a great idea to help curb some boredom. Take some friends along to Pin Chasers and create different games for them to play. Divide the kids up into teams and set a goal for the total combined points. Make sure that little ones have bumpers to make it (more) fair. Get in on the action as well and show those kids your bowling skills.

Have A Lemonade Stand

Lemon slices on a plate

One of the most exciting things a kid can do during the summer is set up their own lemonade stand. Some neighborhoods and cities have ordinances against lemonade stands so make sure to check before your kids begin planning this one. Give your kids a table, chairs, signs, and the ingredients to make lemonade. Consider making the lemonade yourself to make sure that germs aren’t spread. Send the kids outside to sell their wares and learn a bit about money as well. We bet that many people stop and give extra tips!

Go on A Park Tour

Girls playing in a park

Every family has a regular park. You know, the one that you always find yourself at and the one that has an actual name but your family only knows it as “the park.” Consider mixing it up a bit this summer and checking out the other parks on the other side of town. Go on a park tour for a day and stop by a few parks that you’ve never stepped foot in. You may just find a new favorite when you go outside your normal boundaries and try out another park in the area.

Pack an Indoor Picnic

Fruit picnic

For those days that are a bit cloudy and cool, consider packing an indoor picnic with your kiddos. This could include setting up a fort as well for added effect. Move away couches and set up a blanket in the middle of your family room. Have the kids pack a lunch, that isn’t too messy, and consider grabbing a few special lunch items that they don’t usually get. Play a card game on your picnic blanket as well for added fun.

Thinking outside of the box is essential when you and your kids have hit the wall of summer. Keep this list of 5 ways to beat summer boredom so that you can easily access it when your own kid’s mouth those dreaded words, “Mom, I’m Bored!”.